Foaming Wastewater Clarifier Tank Radar Level Transmitter

Foaming Wastewater Clarifier Tank Radar Level Measurement

Foaming Wastewater Clarifier Tank Radar Level Transmitter

When a Texas wastewater treatment plant needed reliable level measurement of their foaming clarifier tanks, they turned to Flowline. Ferric chloride is a highly effective flocculant that speeds the process of suspended solids separation during clarification. The downside of ferric chloride is its corrosive and increases the amount of foam in the process. The operator was dissatisfied with past pressure level sensors that first clogged and then corroded, and ultrasonic level sensors that became intermittent whenever foaming developed. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our non-contact 80-GHz radar sensors that are unaffected by foam or other such changes in the media, process or environment. The radar sensors provide reliable level data to the SCADA system, which controls the chemical feed and clarification process. Flowline is reliable level measurement.