Sodium Hypochlorite Tank Radar Level Transmitter

Sodium Hypochlorite Tank Radar Liquid Level Measurement
Sodium Hypochlorite Tank Radar Liquid Level Transmitter

When a Florida county municipality needed reliable level measurement of their sodium hypochlorite storage tanks, they turned to Flowline. The water department uses NaCIO to boost residual chlorine in their drinking water distribution system, injecting it into 16” water pipelines. The operations manager said that previous ultrasonic level sensors became intermittent during the hot summer months due to vapor off-gassing, and they needed reliable level measurement. For this reason, Flowline suggested our 80-GHz radar sensors that are unaffected by chemical vapor or temperature extremes. The non-contact sensors are constructed entirely of PVDF and are ideal for corrosive applications. The radar sensors provide reliable level data to the SCADA, which controls the chemical feed and alarms for inventory replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement.