Chemical Bulk Storage Tank Radar Level Transmitter

Chemical Storage Tank Radar Level Measurement
Chemical Storage Tank Radar Level Transmitter

When a Gulf Coast chemical distributor needed reliable level measurement of their terminal tanks, they turned to Flowline. The company supplies a wide range of chemicals from commodity acids to basic intermediates, corrosion inhibitors and heat transfer fluids. Chemicals are received by rail and pumped into eight forty-foot storage tanks. There the operator was installing a telemetry system and wanted a single level sensor that was non-contact, corrosion-resistant and unaffected by vapor, foam or the environment. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our 80-GHz radar sensors that are all that, easy to configure and maintenance-free. The radar sensors provide reliable level data to the RTU, which monitors the tanks, web posts the inventories and alarms for replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement.