Chemical Production Tank Radar Level Transmitter

Chemical Production Tank Radar Level Measurement
 Chemical Production Tank Radar Level Transmitter

When a Gulf Coast chemical distributor needed reliable level measurement of their mix tanks, they turned to Flowline. The company dilutes or blends, packages and delivers acidic products to customer specifications. At the center of production are eight tanks where products are batched, mixed and then pumped into IBC’s or drums for delivery. There the production manager described the numerous level sensor types and problems they had experienced over years, and their perceived challenges rooted in corrosion, agitation, foam and vapor. Finally, he said, “I need a reliable non-contact sensor that’ll measure and display in tank gallons.” For these reasons, Flowline suggested our 80-GHz radar sensor that’s unaffected by such media or process variables, made of PVDF, and easily configured to measure and display in gallons. Case closed. The radar sensors provide reliable level data to the PLC which batches, blends and dispenses products. Flowline is reliable level measurement.