Chemical Pump Protection Thermal Dispersion Flow Switch

Municipal Chemical Tank Radar Liquid Level Sensor
Municipal Chemical Tank Radar Liquid Level Transmitter

When a Southeast municipality needed reliable chemical process and run-dry pump protection, they turned to Flowline. Diluted chemicals are transferred from storage tanks to day tanks via magnetic drive pumps. But each year, chemical outages de-rail the treatment process or damage costly pumps. To mitigate this, the I&C engineer requested a solid-state corrosion-resistant flow switch that would reliably indicate no or low-flow and empty-pipe conditions. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our thermal dispersion flow switch that’s constructed of PP or PVDF with an adjustable set point, LED flow indicator and selectable NO or NC relay output. The flow switch provides reliable flow detection to the SCADA which controls chemical transfer and water treatment. Flowline is reliable switching.