High Level Alarm & Low Level Alarm

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#1 – High Level Alarm

High Level Alarm

High Level alarming relative to tank or sump overfill preventing a spill.

  • Goal: Notify when a high level is reached preventing an overflow.
  • Mounting: Level sensor can be mounted along the top wall or along the side of the tank.
  • Technology: Choose a switch technology that is chemically compatible with the liquid.
    • Buoyancy Float
      • Water like liquids
    • Ultrasonic Gap Switch
      • Corrosive liquids
    • Vibration Tuning Fork Switch
      • Coating liquids
      • Scaling liquids
Application Success
Reliable Coating Or Scaling Sump Level Control

Reliable Coating Or Scaling Sump Level Control

When a Missouri hospital needed reliable level control of their cooling tower basins, […]

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#2 – Low Level Alarm

Low Level Alarm

Low Level alarming relative to tank or sump emptying below acceptable liquid level preventing pump cavitation or stressing actuated valve armatures.

  • Goal: Notify when a low level is reached preventing pumps from running dry or when to re-order product.
  • Mounting: Level sensor can be mounted along the top wall or along the side of the tank.
  • Technology: Choose a switch technology that is chemically compatible with the liquid.
    • Buoyancy Float
      • Water like liquids
    • Ultrasonic Gap Switch
      • Corrosive liquids
    • Vibration Tuning Fork Switch
      • Coating liquids
      • Scaling liquids

High Level Alarm & Low Level Alarm

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