Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter

The general purpose guided wave radar level transmitter provides highly accurate and reliable level measurement of liquid in metal tank or sump applications from 1-5 meters, with ambient or elevated temperature and pressure, including those with foaming, coating or vaporous media. How does a guided wave radar level transmitter work? The guided wave radar level transmitter emits a high frequency RF pulse from its antenna feed through. The pulse travels down the rod, coaxial or cable antenna, reflects against the liquid surface and returns to the feed through. The guided wave radar level transmitter determines the pulse time of flight and converts this into level height or distance.

EchoWave General Purpose Liquid Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter

Series LG10-0 LG10-1
Classification General purpose General purpose
Media Liquids Liquids
Application Day tank, skid or machine, IBC or drum, process tank, waste sump Day tank, skid or machine, IBC or drum, process tank, waste sump
Probe type Rod Coaxial
Probe material 316L 316L
Tank location and material Above grade metal or below grade in any tank material Above or below grade in any tank material
Dirty, coating or crystallizing liquid Yes No
Range 9.8' (3m) 9.8' (3m)
Output 4-20 mA 4-20 mA
Mount 3/4" NPT 3/4" NPT
Max. temperature 302° F. (150° C.) 302° F. (150° C.)
Max. pressure 250 PSI (17 bar) 250 PSI (17 bar)
From $1,165.00 $1,490.00
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