Non-Invasive Chemical Tank Radar Level Transmitter

Non-Invasive Tank Radar Level Measurement
Non-Invasive Tank Radar Level Transmitter

When a Southeastern chemical distributor needed reliable NON-INVASIVE level measurement of their customer tanks, they turned to Flowline. Access to daily inventory data is critical to logistics planning, efficient timely delivery and customer satisfaction. That’s why chemical distributors are increasingly deploying telemetry systems to gather such data. In so, they quickly learn that their challenge isn’t telemetry, it’s measurement. How do we quickly and reliably install a level sensor on a deployed plastic or fiberglass tank, without taking the tank offline, cutting a hole in it, installing a fitting and exposing staff to hazardous media? Turns out it’s easy. Mount our EchoBeam radar sensors on the outside of the tank with our adhesive tank fitting. The radar sensor measures non-invasively through the tank-top-wall and provides reliable level data to the RTU. Flowline is reliable level measurement.