Oil Well Chemical Tank Radar Level Transmitter

Oil Well Chemical Tank Radar Level Measurement
Oil Well Chemical Tank Radar Level Transmitter

When an Oklahoma oil company needed reliable level measurement of their corrosion and scaling inhibitor chemical tanks, they turned to Flowline. Based on the mineral and water composition of each site, one or more inhibitors are commonly injected into the well to protect the casing and increase wellbore lubricity. The challenge is in monitoring and resupplying hundreds of identical small tanks dispersed over large fields. To do so, the operator required a corrosion resistant level sensor with a Modbus signal output for integration with their SCADA, that’s unaffected by weather and easily configured or inspected by their staff. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our 80-GHz radar sensors with Bluetooth to App configuration. The radar sensors provide reliable level data to the SCADA, which monitors the tanks and alarms for chemical replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement.