Plating Lift Station Tank Ultrasonic Level Measurement

Copper Metal Finishing Bath Liquid Level Sensor
Copper Metal Finishing Bath Liquid Level Transmitter

When a North American plating system equipment manufacturer needed reliable level measurement of their wastewater transfer station, they turned to Flowline. Plating waste streams are harsh on fluid handling equipment and sensors alike, as they’re hot with suspended solids, grease and diluted acid. The engineer required redundant non-contact level measurement of an enclosed tank with turbulence or condensation, and a separate high-level switch. Each sensor would be tied to a separate pump for redundant transfer to waste treatment. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our ultrasonic level sensors installed in standpipes with a buoyancy level switch mounted under the tank top. The ultrasonic sensors provide reliable level data to the PLC which alternatingly pumps the waste to treatment. Flowline is reliable level measurement.