The general purpose guard capacitance point liquid level switch provides high or low liquid level detection of water based conductive liquids with light coating, crystallizing or scaling characteristics with a 1A relay output. Media examples include copper sulfate and brine. For best performance, install the sensor vertically and the RF guard circuit eliminates the coating signal path between the active and reference electrodes. The submersible polypropylene liquid level sensor can be mounted inside the tank or through non-metallic tank walls as a high level alarm or low level alarm.


  • Guard circuit optimizes performance in coating type media
  • Submersible PP sensor body and cable for corrosive liquids
  • 60VA relay selectable NO or NC via power supply wiring polarity
  • Compatible with Switch-Pak fitting for vertical tank installation


P/N Description From
LP15-1405 PP, 3/4″ NPT $335.00
LP15-1425 PP, 3/4″ G $355.00


Orientation: Universal

Accuracy: ± 1mm in water

Repeatability: ± 0.5mm in water

Dielectric range: > 20 constants

Conductive range: > 100 μ

Supply voltage: 12-36 VDC

Consumption: 25 mA maximum

Contact type: (1) SPST relay

Contact rating: 60 VA, 1A maximum

Contact output: Selectable NO / NC

Process temp: F: -40° to 176°, C: -40° to 80°

Pressure: 150 psi (10 bar) @ 25º C., derated @ 1.667 psi (0.113 bar) per ºC. above 25º C.

Sensor rating: NEMA 6 (IP68)

Sensor material: Polypropylene

Cable jack. mat.: Polypropylene

Cable type: 4-conductor, shielded #22 AWG

Cable length: 10’ (3m)

Process mount: 3/4” NPT (3/4” G)

Mount. gasket: Viton® (G version only)

Classification: General purpose

Compliance: CE


For pump, valve or alarm automation, package your level switch with our remote level controller.